In the mind of the python, the bigger the meal, the less they’ve got to eat and this can mean that they only have to dine 4 or 5 times a year since larger meals take much longer to digest.
Well, this python made a huge mistake when he tried making a meal out of a 30lb porcupine, who just happened to be spiky as hell, which didn’t add to the snakes enjoyment. After being swallowed, the porcupine punctured the snake’s insides with razor-sharp quills – grim.

The four-metre-long African rock python was found at Lake Eland Game Reserve in South Africa and General Manager of the reserve, Jennifer Fuller, said it’s likely the snake fell from a rocky ledge which drove the quills into it’s digestive tract.

If it wasn’t already obvious – the snake was found dead and for some unknown reason, game keepers decided to cut it open to remove the remains of what was left of the porcupine on the inside.
When I think of what would’ve been the snake’s ideal ‘last meal’ , I’m not sure spiky porcupine would’ve been on the list.