Vaginal problems are the most common problem faced by a woman. Most of the time it happens that a woman facing a vaginal problem feels shy to share it with someone and even feel shy in consulting a doctor. But, if she follows some healthy steps she can easily keep her vagina healthy.
We went through an exercise to find out some of the correct methods to deal with your vagina and make it disease free.
1. Wear cotton underwear and prevent vaginal odor.

2. Shave or wax your bottom and keep it clean.

3. Wash your vagina at least once in a day to keep infections far away.

4. You should always wash your butt at last so that no nasty matter goes inside vagina.

5. Wash the area between vagina opening and anus very nicely.

6. Make your lower lips away and wash around clitoris with the help of fingers.

7. Use of very mild soap to wash vagina helps in preventing infections and make vagina disease free